How to plant a bank

It’s hard to find a straight spot in Wellington. So most of us have some sort of a bank in our section. Overgrown with Gorse or just a patch of grass is not the max you can do with it. We get a lot of people asking how to plant a bank.

Most people have no idea about what to do with their bank. It then often ends up as a sort of no-man’s land. Anything you put on them needs to have a good deep rooted system.  Turning a bank into an attractive and manageable area is a longer term project.

The easiest and often first step after you clear some areas is to plant ground covers. Additional to that you can make some simple terraces. Nothing fancy required just a big shovel and some elbow grease. Now cut a bit of a path and plaster it with small stones, creating a sort of retaining structure. Now look, all of a sudden you have a nice sloping path wandering through your bank.

Up next is planting the area above your “retaining wall”. A great selection of plants that will definitely grown on your bank are available in our shop. And feel free to come around to see how we turned our gorse covered bank into a lovely show garden.

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